thrive with sensitivity

CE Courses for highly sensitive therapists

On the day of your long-anticipated training, you arrive a little early,

carefully select your coffee-and-pastry breakfast, pick a spot to sit with a good view of the podium that’s not too close to a speaker and not right under a vent, pull out your pen and pad, and settle in.

Of course, the room is too hot, the flickering fluorescent lights start to give you a headache, you can’t stop hearing the ticking of the clock, and the background static from the speaker is making you twitch. Even still, you determinedly try to focus on the 57 slides the speaker is presenting.

By mid morning, you feel like your head is spinning. There’s just so much to process and no breaks to catch your breath.

The lunch break is much too short, and it doesn’t take long for the afternoon mental fog to kick in, and there’s still MORE info being presented. By midafternoon, you’re mentally checked out. You know there are some good ideas here, and you convince yourself that you’ll make some time in your schedule later to review the material - but you won’t.

When you wrap up the training feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and with a headache to boot, you wonder,

“Was it worth it?” 

“Will this actually help me be a better therapist?”

On your drive home, you berate yourself for getting distracted, feeling so overwhelmed, not being a better learner. You’re ashamed that a simple daylong training feels so hard, and you feel guilty and more-than-a-little sick to your stomach about the money you spent.

Guess what? You’re not the problem. The training is the problem. It wasn’t meant for your highly sensitive brain.

Those rooms aren’t meant to be supportive to anyone, much less the highly sensitive person. There’s a barrage of information, and no comfort and calm built into the day. It’s all about go-go-go, and that’s simply not the best setting for HSP learning. You need time to slow down, pause, reflect, and process because THIS is how you learn best.

You can learn and grow while being supported, having time to process and integrate, and feeling refreshed!

Experience the soul-centered difference

As highly sensitive therapists and trainers, we’ve been through our share of excruciating trainings. 

We get the needs of highly sensitive people, and we get how this trait is unappreciated in our broader culture, as well as in the therapy world. And, it’s been unaccounted for in any clinical trainings we’ve ever attended. 

When you attend a soul-centered training for highly sensitive therapists, you can -

  • Participate in a training centered around the needs of highly sensitive therapists  

  • Embrace ongoing learning and growth, which are a beautiful part of this profession 

  • Take care of yourself while deepening your clinical skills (Hellooo experiential practice and modeling!)

  • Have ample time to integrate, process, practice, reflect, and consult BUILT IN to the training

  • Enjoy pockets of time for deep connection with peers without having to compromise your learning

Let’s grow differently.

Hi, We’re Ivy, Ileana, and Leigh!

We lead soul-centered CE trainings for highly sensitive therapists in California who want to deepen clinical skills and emerge feeling understood, refreshed, and invigorated.

Support that’s just right . . .

Sign up to get our free guide: 5 steps to harness your clinical strengths as an hsp therapist

Plus, our newsletter filled with tips to support your needs as a sensitive therapist.

We get how precious your inbox is, and we’re honored that you’re sharing it with us.