Soul-centered tips for sensitive therapists
Learnings, tips, & ponderings for sensitive therapists - a refuge to support your sensitive soul as you offer the deep, rewarding, and difficult work of therapy.
Soothing your sensitive soul
Some days I struggle to get out of bed. Whether it’s because I don’t want to face something, I didn’t sleep well the night before, or my bed is just exerting its natural gravitational pull, it reminds me of the importance of rest. As a highly sensitive person (HSP), I’m used to feeling quickly depleted by the goings-on of an average day. As a highly sensitive therapist, I’m even more aware of the mental and emotional load I carry at any given time and how important it is to let go and just be with myself. As highly sensitive therapists, how do we soothe ourselves, not just when we’re stressed or tired, but every day?
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